The mission of the Construction Department is to ensure the health and safety of the people who live, work and otherwise make use of all structures in Chatham Township by the consistent and thorough enforcement of the Uniform Construction Code, as adopted by, the State of New Jersey. If you’re planning on making any changes or renovations to your dwelling or business, any construction, alteration, or repair work, you’ll probably need to get a Construction Permit. A Construction Permit is generally required for any building, structural, electric, HVAC, and plumbing projects. No work shall begin until a permit – if needed – has been issued.
The Department also inspects all residential, commercial and industrial buildings during the various phases of construction. The Department also investigates all buildings and structures which have been damaged to ensure they can be safely occupied.
In accordance with Township Code (§ BH4-3.2 Specific Noise Prohibitions), construction or demolition work is prohibited at any time on Sundays, or at any time other than between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., prevailing time, on Saturdays, or between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., prevailing time, on any other days.
Please be advised: The Chatham Construction Department is continuously following up on all open permits by sending out Notices of Violations, and in certain instances, Notices and Order to Pay Penalties, as required under the Uniform Construction Code. To avoid a notice, please contact the Chatham Construction Department and schedule your final inspection as soon as possible.

Chatham Township utilizes the “SDL Portal“, a cloud-based service through “Spatial Data Logic” that provides citizens, contractors and other professionals with ready access to up-to-date data and services whenever they need it, 24/7. You can schedule an inspection, look up the status of a permit, and more. Creation of an account is required.
Contact Information
58 Meyersville Road
Chatham, New Jersey 07928
News & Notices
December 23, 2024
June 6, 2021
Helpful Links
- Chatham Construction Fee Schedule
- Chatham Development Fee Requirements
- Chatham General Code
- Chatham Land Development Regulations
- Chatham Schedule of Zoning Requirements
- Chatham Zoning Application Process
- Chatham Zoning Map
- New Jersey Uniform Construction Code
- NJ Uniform Construction Code Permit Application & Forms
- Schedule Inspection Online