When Is A Permit Needed?
If you’re planning on making any changes or renovations to your dwelling or business, any construction, alteration, or repair work, you’ll probably need to get a Construction Permit. Construction Permit are generally required for any building, structural, electric, HVAC, and plumbing projects. A Construction Permit ensure that any work done conforms with building code and zoning requirements that protect you and any visitors to your space. A Construction Permit also provides you with an additional safeguard when dealing with third-party contractors to ensure the work is completed safely and correctly. A Construction Permit for a project which changes the footprint of the building, lot coverage, use of the space, etc. may also require a separate Zoning Permit. A permit is required prior to any activity that involves road openings including the installation of curbing. Most tree removals also require a permit.
Under ordinary circumstances, a regular Construction Permit is required before work begins.
Minor Work permits are required to be submitted before work begins. Description of minor work can be found in N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.17A
Under emergency conditions, work can start immediately once our office has been notified. The property owner has 72 hours to submit the appropriate permit applications. Valid emergencies include roof leaks, heater repairs/replacements and other conditions which may affect the safety of the occupant(s).
Residential permits require a plan/drawing that can be done by the homeowner if the unit is a single-family dwelling and the homeowner resides at the location of the proposed construction. The plans must be submitted in duplicate, accompanied by the appropriate technical applications, and are subject to the approval of the code official.
Commercial permits require a plan/drawing that must be completed by an NJ-licensed architect or engineer and submitted in duplicate with the appropriate technical applications. Commercial applicants are also required to submit final “as builts”.
A Construction Permit, which may include a building, electrical, fire and/or plumbing sub-code technical section, is required to do any of the following:
(The following is a general guide. Each job may have different requirements and may need more than is listed below.)
“Ordinary maintenance” is outlined in the NJ Uniform Construction Code under N.J.A.C. 5-23-2.7 This work is considered exempt, and permits are not required for day-to-day repairs and/or improvements including painting, window and door replacement using new material of the same dimensions and carpet installations.