Chatham Township and Chatham Borough to Discuss Harding Township Student Participation in Joint Recreation Programs

September 13, 2024

The Board of Education of the School District of the Chathams, an independent entity from Chatham Township and Chatham Borough, has been exploring a potential send-receive relationship with the Harding Township Board of Education. This arrangement would allow Harding Township students, who currently attend school only through eighth grade, to attend Chatham High School starting ninth grade. Currently, Harding students attend Madison High School.

In light of this exploration, the School District of the Chathams has asked the governing bodies of both Chatham Township and Chatham Borough to consider whether Harding Township students would be able to participate in the Chatham Joint Recreation programs before reaching high school. This request has been referred to the Joint Recreation Advisory Committee of the Chathams for discussion.

Mr. Chris Delsandro, representing the School District of the Chathams, will present this request at the Committee’s next meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 7 p.m. in the Chatham High School Media Center. The meeting will provide an opportunity for volunteer leaders of the recreation programs and members of the public to ask questions and provide feedback. The Mayors and elected officials of both Chatham Township and Chatham Borough encourage community input, which will inform future decisions on the matter.

Additionally, Chatham Superintendent Dr. Michael LaSusa will make a presentation at the Monday, September 16th public Board of Education meeting to address current, past and future enrollment numbers as part of their consideration into the potential send-receive relationship with Harding Township. Additional information can be found on the website for the School District of the Chathams at

Please note our new Municipal Building hours of 8AM-4PM. The Construction Department closes at 3PM.