Traffic Safety

August 22, 2019

The Chatham Township Police Department is dedicated to promoting and improving traffic safety through safety programs, analysis, and enforcement. Traffic safety will always remain a priority to all of our patrol officers.

Traffic Enforcement

Through selective enforcement and roving patrols, officers are constantly monitor our roadways to assure compliance with traffic laws. We focus our enforcement efforts in three main categories:

  • Risk locations based on collision occurrences
  • Known problem areas
  • Citizen complaints
Education in Traffic Safety

Through school visits and safety programs, officers are constantly educating young drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians on ways to stay safe.

Traffic Analysis Using latest technology and crash analysis records, various forms of information are obtained and used to make recommended changes in areas of safety concern. If you would like a Traffic study conducted in your neighborhood, please contact Lieutenant Brad Hayworth at [email protected].

New Traffic Law 2015

What You Need to Know

Any child under the age of 8 years old and a height of 57 inches shall be secured as follows in the rear seat of a motor vehicle:

  1. A child under the age of 2 years and 30 pounds shall be secured in a rear-facing seat equipped with a 5-point harness.
  2. A child under the age of 4 years and 40 pounds shall be secured as described in (a) until they reach the upper limits of the rear-facing seat, then in a forward-facing child restraint equipped with a 5-point harness.
  3. A child under the age of 8 and a height of 57 inches shall be secured as described in (a) or (b) until they reach the upper limits of the rear-facing or forward facing seat, then in a belt positioning booster seat.
  4. A child over 8 years of age or 57 inches in height must be properly secured by a seat belt.

If there are no rear seats, the child shall be secured as described above in the front seat except that no child shall be secured in a rear-facing seat in the front seat of any vehicle that is equipped with an active passenger-side airbag. The aforementioned is acceptable if the airbag is de-activated.

Fines for violation of the law will range from $50 to $75.

Traffic Safety Programs:
  • Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over. Drunk Driving Kills…..This is why the Chatham Township Police Department will continue to aggressively patrol all Township roadways for the detection and apprehension of intoxicated drivers.
  • Click It or Ticket. Seat Belts Save Lives….That is why the Police Department participates in this state – wide campaign to increase the use of seat belts in an effort to save lives and minimize injuries.
  • Child Passenger Safety. Is your child’s car seat installed correctly? The Chatham Township Police Department wants to make sure your child is safe. We have a trained and certified child car seat technicians ready to help you make sure your child’s seat is installed the right way. For more information about inspections or installations, please contact the Chatham Township Police Department at (973) 377-0100.

Please note our new Municipal Building hours of 8AM-4PM. The Construction Department closes at 3PM.