RX Medicine Drop Box RX

August 22, 2019

The Police Department now provides a free Medicine Drop Box for public use in the lobby of police headquarters. Available 24/7, this box affords residents the opportunity to safely dispose of unwanted, unused or expired prescriptions in a safe, secure and anonymous way, free of charge.

Needles, sharps and liquid medications may NOT be disposed of in this drop box. Check with Morristown Medical Center for disposal of those items.

Although the drop box is available 24/7 365, the easiest and most convenient times for you to dispose of your medication are Monday-Friday 10:00am-6:00pm, when the lobby is unlocked.

401 Southern Boulevard
Chatham, NJ 07928
(973) 377-0100

Please note our new Municipal Building hours of 8AM-4PM. The Construction Department closes at 3PM.