Firearms Information

August 22, 2024

Effective immediately, the Chatham Township Police Department will no longer distribute paperwork related to firearms applications. The State of New Jersey has developed an on-line portal for all firearms application processing. Chatham Township residents seeking to apply for or to change a Firearms Purchaser Identification Card or Handgun Purchase Permit must submit their application via the Firearms Application and Registration System (F.A.R.S.) by clicking the following link:

When applying via the FARS portal, you will need to enter the Chatham Township Police Department ORI, which is NJ0140500. This ORI is to be used by Chatham Township residents ONLY.

Once your application has been submitted in the FARS system, the Detective who handles firearms processing will be notified of your application and will continue the process from there.

Answers to frequently asked questions can be found at

If there are any additional questions or concerns regarding this new process, please contact the Chatham Township Police Department-Detective Bureau 973-377-0100.

Firearms Documents & Links

Please note our new Municipal Building hours of 8AM-4PM. The Construction Department closes at 3PM.