Township Seeks Feedback on Colony Pool Wall Rehabilitation

July 17, 2024

UPDATE:  The announcement below has been superseded with more current information and revised plans.  The outdated information below should not be relied upon for discussion, deliberation, or planning purposes.  For the latest information/update, visit:  Township Seeks Additional Feedback on Revised Colony Pool Wall Rehabilitation Draft Plans

The existing side walls of the Colony Pool have reached the end of their useful life and should be replaced. The Township seeks to rehabilitate the walls of the Colony Pool as expeditiously as possible so that the 2025 season can begin in May without delay. A concept plan drafted by the Township Engineer proposes a wall replacement design that includes modification of the current sloped concrete side walls of the pool to vertical concrete walls, which is a more typical installation for a standard commercial swimming pool. This concept plan that has been suggested to the Township Committee for consideration is provided below. The Township Committee is holding a special public meeting via Zoom ( on Tuesday, July 23rd at 7:30 p.m. for residents to provide their feedback and ask questions. Additional Zoom participation instructions are available on the Agenda.

Please note that the focus of the concept plan below was only the details related to the wall and entry points the pool. All other elements and details in the concept plan below are not to be relied on for consideration. The concept plan depicts vertical concrete walls on both sides where there are currently sloped concrete walls and stairs for entry into the pool.

Vertical walls would clearly provide safety benefits to the existing pool. For example, the current sloped side wall configuration does not allow a tired swimmer to swim to the edge of the pool and grab on to the top of the wall for a rest over a large portion of the pool. The current side walls also present challenges with respect to safe pool entry/exit and make it necessary for the pool lifeguards/staff to be vigilant in keeping patrons off the portions of the sloped walls that are not marked for entry/exit, as the sloped concrete surface is slippery underfoot. Currently, matting is provided at five designated locations on the pool perimeter to provide traction for swimmers to walk in/out of the pool; however, these entry/exit points are relatively steep (with slope up to approximately 30 degrees on southwest side of pool) and can be difficult to navigate by foot for younger and older swimmers. No diving from the side walls is permitted, nor would be permitted in the proposed vertical wall condition.

Please note our new Municipal Building hours of 8AM-4PM. The Construction Department closes at 3PM.