Chatham Township Committee Annual Reorganization Meeting, Remarks by Mayor Michael Choi

January 8, 2025

On January 7, 2025, the Township Committee of Chatham Township convened its annual Reorganization Meeting, as required by law. Newly elected Committee member Craig Alperowitz took the Oath of Office following his election in November 2024.

During the meeting, the Township Committee appointed its Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson, who will serve as Mayor and Deputy Mayor for 2025. Township Clerk Greg LaConte administered the Oaths of Office to Michael Choi and Jennifer Rowland, officially swearing them in as Mayor and Deputy Mayor, respectively.

Additionally, the Committee approved annual appointments to various boards, committees, and commissions. The Township of Chatham extends its sincere gratitude to all volunteers who generously contribute their time and expertise to enhance the community.

Mayor Choi will hold weekly office hours for residents on Thursdays from 8:30AM to 10 AM at the Municipal Building (58 Meyersville Road). Walk-ins are welcome, but residents can make an appointment by sending an email to [email protected]

Click here to view/download the Township Committee Reorganization Agenda.

Click here to view a recording of the meeting.

Remarks by Mayor Michael Choi at the January 7, 2025 Reorganization Meeting

Good evening to you all.
We share much in common. Notwithstanding the divisiveness and hostilities which appear to be pervasive and relentless in today’s world, you and I, all of us, desire and seek out much of the same things. We desire quiet and peaceful enjoyment of our properties. We value and foster relationships with peers. We enjoy our open spaces, fields and trails, houses of worship, our acclaimed schools, and we all bear witness to an admired American way of life being lived out here in the Township. The Township is an endearing place to build roots, live privately in peace, live your senior years gracefully or choose, as I have, to live in chaos, raising a family with children. We really do share much in common.
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.” – the author unknown but I find the quote profound and relevant. It is through the simple act of volunteering that I find myself before you this evening. I humbly thank members of the community for the support and trust in putting me before you on this dais two years ago as well as my fellow committee members for honoring me with serving as mayor. I understand and accept the gravitas of this mayoral distinction.
I anticipate this upcoming 2025 year to be one of progress and preparation, laying down the foundational work to be well-positioned down the road as we tackle challenges head on.
Services. We have made significant field and playground investments in our parks, are committing to critical investments in our fire and police departments, expanded our youth recreational activities, invested in improvements at our senior center, are committing to enhancing our walking trails, augmented our open space and support for ecosystem and habitat learning, and captured grant monies to improve our streets. Looking ahead, I am committed to sustaining the flywheel and continually improving the services and public amenities to be enjoyed by our community.
E-Gov and Communications. The digital age is roughly only 20 years old and yet its impact and pervasiveness is breathtaking. Technology can play an important role in connecting individuals in our community and ensuring that government services are accessible, relevant and efficient. I remain a big fan of an E-gov initiative and look to continue making this a better reality for our residents. Paying bills, license applications, permit applications, accessing municipal data, communicating Township events and time-sensitive information is all a part of it. The Township has made a number of these capabilities a reality and I’m eager to continue pushing forward with new capabilities and improving existing ones.
Development and Housing. The Township has come a long way from its Revolutionary War days. There is rich history here. While much has changed in the Township, the Township continues to thrive as a sought after place to live and play. Change will continue, and it need not be cast as a fearsome boogieman. I shall continue to advocate for controlled housing density, improved traffic and circulation and prudent planning. The fourth and final round of affordable housing is upon us. The history of this matter in the Township is lengthy and complicated. Right now, we have significant development, planning and design expertise to begin to plan wisely and methodically to meet the obligation over time, on our terms.
Fiscal prudence. There is no mayor’s message that makes no mention of taxes. Every year, the Committee, along with our vital Township staff, has the hard work to meet ever expanding needs with finite resources…resources, by the way, which escalate in cost every year. It is a challenging annual endeavor which we successfully concluded the prior fiscal year and I am confident this Committee shall continue the good stewardship of taxpayer monies. We are after all taxpayers ourselves. When I look amongst my colleagues, I would like to share with you what I see…on this dais, I see multiple decades of collective experience and skills in investment and finance, marketing & communications, Fortune 500 and small business experience, and corporate board and municipal governance experience. Knowledge and skills to problem solve and construct the very best budget for the Township.
Suffice to say that we will be entertaining opportunities and problem solving throughout the year. On matters shared by most of you….to continue living out this admired American way of life here in the Township. We do after all have much in common. Let’s get to work!

Please note our new Municipal Building hours of 8AM-4PM. The Construction Department closes at 3PM.