Adopt a Storm Drain in Chatham Township

June 6, 2024

Chatham Township’s Department of Public Works (DPW) and Environmental Commission (CTEC) are excited to launch Adopt a Drain in the Spring of 2024. We have partnered with Hamline University of Minnesota to create an online storm drain management program for our municipality. This effort will help ensure our storm drains are cleared from debris on a regular schedule, helping to keep storm water moving and to help prevent streets from flooding; as well as keep contaminates out of local watersheds.

Why this is important:
When it rains, stormwater carries directly into local watersheds, including the Great Swamp and the Passaic River:

  • Animal waste and animal waste bags
  • Antifreeze
  • Fertilizers
  • Garbage
  • Gasoline
  • Grass clippings
  • Leaves
  • Motor oil
  • Paint
  • Pesticides

Chatham Township is within the Great Swamp and Passaic River watersheds. Residents and businesses can play a vital role in helping to keep our local watersheds clean by adopting storm drains in their neighborhood and committing to clearing them regularly.  

Adoption Process
The adoption process is easy and quick, and you will be able to adopt or un-adopt storm drains instantly.

  1. Sign up and adopt a storm drain – Chatham Township’s 1,021 storm drains have been uploaded into the tool. Pick one that will be easy for you to take care of: near your home, school, business, or a location you frequent. Any adult, group or child aged 14 or older (with parental consent) may adopt a drain.
  2. Learn how to keep your storm drain clean while staying safe at the same time– Adopt a Drain includes tips on how to keep your drain clean as well as the common household tools you’ll need for the job.
  3. Start raking! – Based on what your drain has collected you’ll either need to recycle, compost or dispose of materials safely in the trash. Cleanup frequency may vary based on the season and your drain’s conditions, but we recommend at least a monthly cleanup.
  4. Track your impact while patting yourself on the back – Adopt-a-Drain includes a tool to help you record the debris you’ve collected, estimate your impact and track town-wide results. Your efforts (which can take as few as 15 minutes based on your adopted site) will help keep our local rivers and streams clean.

Additional information
If you have further questions, email Richard Young

Helpful Links
Great Swamp Watershed Association
Passaic River Coalition

Coming soon!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new website for the Township of Chatham in New Jersey! As we continue to build and enhance this online space, you may notice that some links and files are currently missing. We are working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that all information and resources are made available to you as soon as possible.


NOTICE:  The Chatham Township Municipal Building will close early, at 1:30 p.m. on Fridays beginning May 24th through August 30th.