Tax Assessor
The Assessor’s Office, under the general direction of the County Board of Taxation and the State Director of Taxation, undertakes the assessing activities of the Township as prescribed by law
- Adds new ratables to the tax rolls.
- Determines the taxability of each parcel, not the taxes. The tax rate is formulated by the County Tax Board from the State approved budgets of the County, the school districts, and the Municipality.
- Processes building permits to determine the value for added assessments. If improvements were made to your property during the year you may receive an additional bill for this added value in October, due November 1st.
- Responsible for establishing an assessed valuation for property in the Township as of October 1st of the prior year.
Brett Trout
Assistant Tax Assessor
Municipal Building
58 Meyersville Road
Chatham, New Jersey 07928
58 Meyersville Road
Chatham, New Jersey 07928
Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM