Departments / Public Safety / Fire Prevention
Fire Safety Permits
- Fire Safety Permits are required per the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code, in specific situations, involving the following activities:
- Use of torch or flame producing device to seal membrane roofs, or to remove paint, on any structure.
- Hot work, such as welding or cutting operations.
- Use of open flame, or flame-producing device, at a public gathering.
- Handling or storing of flammable or combustible liquids.
- Possession or use of fireworks, explosives, or blasting agents.
- Tent, or temporary tensioned membrane structure such as a platform or special electrical equipment.
- Hot-tar roofing operations, including use of asphalt/tar kettle.
- Construction, alteration, & demolition operations, including use of “hot work” operations.
- Carnival or circus employing mobile enclosed structure for human occupancy.
- Fumigation or thermal insecticide fogging.
- Open burning or a bonfire.
- Use of open flame or flame-producing device in connection with fire suppression training.
- Storage or use of certain Hazardous Materials.
- Cooking operations on mobile canteen vehicles.