Departments / Parks & Recreation / The Colony Pool Club
Club Rules
Everyone using the Club does so at their own risk. The Club is not responsible for any accidents, injuries, or loss of personal property. Please do not bring valuables to the Club, there are no checking facilities.

Members and Guests
- Babysitters may use the Club only when accompanying children without parents.
- Babysitters may not use the Club for their own use.
- Babysitters must be added to a family membership and be registered with the club using a babysitter permission form.
- Members must purchase a guest pass, accompany their guests, and take responsibility for the conduct of their guests while at the Club.
- Children under 14 years old must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older who will be responsible for their conduct at the Club.
- Non-swimming children must remain in the shallow end and be monitored and supervised by their parent/guardian.
- Non-swimming children are never allowed in the deep water if unaccompanied by a parent/guardian and cannot use the diving board or slide.
- The Club is not responsible for supervising your children within the Club property. this includes: parking lots, picnic areas, and playground.
- All guests MUST be accompanied by a member 18 years or older.
- Guests that are part of a birthday party must be met at the front desk by an adult member, unless a list of attendees is given to the Club Management prior to the party.
- Guests are subject to the same rules and regulations as members. Violation of rules and regulations may result in the loss of guest privileges.
Deep Water Test
All members/guests 15 and under must pass the test each summer.
- For safety reasons, all members and guests under 15 must pass the Deep Water Test each summer to demonstrate for Club Management that they can swim well enough to be permitted in water over their heads.
- Swimmers using the slides, diving board and teen dock are in depths over 10 feet. Only members who have passed the Deep Water Test are permitted to use these features.
- The deep water test is given periodically throughout the day and will be announced over the public address system.
- The test is administered in the swim lanes and requires the individual to swim freestyle two full lengths of lane and tread water (verified with a timer) without touching the side, grabbing the lane line or ladder, or letting their chin, mouth, or nose going below the surface for one minute.
- Upon successful completion of the rest, a swimmer will be given a deep-water badge.
- In the event of a lost deep-water badge, replacement badges can be purchased at the manager’s office for a fee of $5.
Your Health and Safety
- NO SMOKING is permitted within the confines of the Club.
- No one is allowed in the water without lifeguards on duty.
- Members must refrain from conversations with lifeguards on duty.
- No diving anywhere in the pool except off of the diving board.
- The deep water area is for diving and slide exits only. One person is permitted on the diving board or slide at a time.
- Approved sports are restricted to designated areas.
- No water paraphernalia/flotation devices are allowed in the pool. Throwing and diving for objects is prohibited.
- Running, shoving, towel snapping, profane language, or other behavior creating a danger or annoyance is prohibited.
- Swimmers with skin lesions, inflamed eyes, discharge from nose or ears, open blisters, or cuts are not permitted in water. Bandages are not allowed in water. Injuries must be reported immediately to a Manager.
- No animals other than Seeing Eye or Registered Service Animals are permitted on premises.
- The Frog Slide is for children 3-9 years of age.
Our Smallest Swimmers
- All children who are not toilet trained must wear diapers that are covered by rubber pants and a bathing suit. No flotation devices of any kind are permitted.
- All diapers must be changed in the bath house, no exceptions.
- Violating this rule creates a serious health and sanitation hazard for other club members. Members caught violating this rule more than twice in a season will have their membership privileges suspended.
- Members and Guests are encouraged to order food from the Colony Snack Bar on site.
- Members and Guests are responsible for cleaning up any trash resulting from food they have brought in to the Club.
- Glassware is not permitted on the premises at any time.
- Parking is allowed in designated parking lots only.