Chatham Community Garden

The Joint Chatham Community Garden is located at 87 Woodland Road.
Borough of Chatham Community Services oversees the operation of the Garden, including the governing rules for the Garden. Chatham Community Garden Rules are typical of the rules utilized by community gardens in the U.S. All gardeners are expected to keep their own plots in good order and volunteer for assignments for the benefit of the whole garden community.
The Chatham Community Garden has two (2) different sized plots: full-sized plots at 10 ft. by 10 ft. and half-sized plots at 5 ft. by 10 ft. Formerly, quarter-sized plots at 5 ft. by 5 ft. were previously offered. If a gardener has had a quarter-sized, and would like to keep it, he (she) can keep it.
Applications received from New Applicants (or existing Plot Holders who are changing their plot size) will be accepted on an ongoing basis throughout the season. Checks should not be sent in until the committee determines and allocates the plot size (which determines the cost). Applicants will be notified as to whether or not they have been assigned a garden plot, and if so, the size of their new plot.
Rates are reviewed annually and are listed on the current year application (available below). Checks made payable to the Borough of Chatham must be received for the annual Garden Fee (the fee is based on plot size) within 30 days of notification. If there is not space, they will be placed on a waitlist and accommodated as soon as possible.