Mayor & Township Committee
The Township form of government is the oldest form of municipal government in New Jersey. The original act of 1798 incorporated 104 towns. Under the current township government laws, the township committee remains the backbone of the municipality’s government. Voters elect the township committee’s five members. The elections are partisan and the committee members serve three-year staggered terms.
The Township Committee elects the mayor for a one-year term. The Mayor serves as the chair of the Township Committee and has powers vested in the mayor’s office by general law.
The Township Committee is the Legislative Branch of our government and establishes policies for the administration of the various departments. The Committee appoints the Township Administrator who is responsible for carrying out those policies and overseeing the day to day operations.
Subcommittees of the Township Committee are Public Safety; Public Works; Planning, Engineering and Land Use; Parks and Recreation; General Administration and Finance. Two Members of Township Committee serve on each and provide oversight to the departments.
Meeting Schedule
The Township Committee usually meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. During the summer, Township Committee meetings are sometimes only held one Tuesday a month. All meetings usually begin at 7:30 PM and are open to the general public in accordance with the requirements of New Jersey’s Open Public Meetings Act. The Agenda for each meeting is usually posted prior to each particular meeting. Thereafter, the Minutes of each meeting are posted.
The Township Committee meetings are televised live on Comcast Channel 29 and FIOS Channel 2126. In addition, the meetings can be viewed on the Township’s YouTube Channel.
2025 Township Committee Members
Municipal governing bodies are required to set aside a portion of every meeting for public comment. The public is welcome to attend or participate electronically. This is a public comment portion, therefore, the Township Committee is not required to respond. Click here for more information.
Contact Information
58 Meyersville Road
Chatham, New Jersey 07928
News & Notices
March 25, 2025
February 26, 2025